Towards an Advanced ROS Package Generator


This paper describes a tool for generating ROS packages and nodes. Compared to the relatively basic traditional package creation method, this tool can generate a whole node structure, including its life-cycle and the exposed interface to other ROS nodes. Following a separation of concerns, the developer only defines the interaction means in a XML file, and the tool provides the whole skeleton of the nodes, including the interface creation and management. This way, the developer can focus on his real added value, the implementation of the node logic. Compared to advanced node management frameworks proposed in literature, the tool proposed does not require the developer to understand and agree on complex high-level architecture models. The developer only has to select a template model, and to provide the desired interface to get the code generated. The package generation is made possible thanks to package templates, and we provide with the generator tool two templates for creating nodes either in C or Python. The user has also the possibility to design his own template, so that he can develop the one that best fits his needs and best practices. The package generator code is accessible on public repository hosting facilities.

International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO'2019

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